Geometric flexibility of cartridge. Unlike conventional panels, the structure of the UFI MULTITUBE allows the tubes to be placed in different geometries with different diameters, shapes and lengths. The modularity of the new technology presented by the UFI Group can be adapted to suit the specific needs of car manufacturers, according to the amount of space available in the engine compartments of the various models.

Smaller filter. Filtering performance – over 99.5% – in a smaller space. UFI MULTITUBE takes up to 50% less space than a standard filter. This is advantageous for hybrid cars where there is limited space in the engine compartment.

The increase in available horsepower – up to 4% – is the result of the improved fluid dynamics of UFI MULTITUBE which guarantees a linear air flow and minimises pressure and energy loss. This ensures that emissions and fuel consumption are reduced.

Resistance to water. UFI MULTITUBE consists of a rigid, non-woven filter media made of synthetic hydrophobic fibres, structured with a specific diameter and distributed porosity gradient which guarantees maximum performance throughout the product’s entire life cycle. A conventional panel filter, on the other hand, becomes less efficient as time passes due to deformation of the materials that absorb humidity.

The improved filtering performance, which exceeds that of conventional panels, is the result of a new concept in deep filtration: the air flow goes from the outside to the inside via a structure which consists of one or more UFI MULTITUBE pipes.