UFI Filters: a global success with innovation as its guiding star

UFI Filters featured in Il Sole 24 Ore! In the prestigious Italian business and financial daily newspaper, we shared our story and the entrepreneurial vision of our Chairman, Giorgio Girondi, which has led the company to become one of the global leaders in the filtration sector. From 1971, the year we were founded in Nogarole Rocca – Italy, to our global presence, and the recent opening of our seventh UFI GREEN plant in China, UFI Filters has always sought to imagine the future before others. This approach has enabled us to radically change our industry and will continue to be the driving force behind our success.

Thus, vision and entrepreneurship have created the opportunity to enter the Clean Energy and Hydrogen market through NewCo UFI HYDROGEN, a clean-tech innovation hub for green hydrogen development. UFI HYDROGEN is focused on R&D and the industrial production of catalyst coated membranes for the production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources by means of water electrolysers, as well as for the transformation of hydrogen into electricity using fuel cells.